Sobre o blog:

“A humanização do nascimento não representa um retorno romântico ao passado, nem uma desvalorização da tecnologia. Em vez disso, oferece uma via ecológica e sustentável para o futuro” Ricardo H. Jones

quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009

Pais que dão de mamar...

Não acreditam?

"Why is Sex Fun?" Jared Diamond:

" The Evolution of Human Sexuality:
The potential advantages of male lactation are numerous. It would promote a type of emotional bonding of father to child now available only to women.....Today, many or most mothers in first-world societies have already become unavailable for breast-feeding, whether because of jobs, illness, or lactational failure. Yet not only parents but also babies derive many benefits from breast-feeding. Breast-fed babies acquire stronger immune defenses and are less susceptable to numerous diseases....Male lactation could provide those benefits to babies if the mother is unavailable for any reason."

Artigo de Jared Diamond Father's Milk (Discover, Feb., 1995; paginas 83-87)

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