Sobre o blog:

“A humanização do nascimento não representa um retorno romântico ao passado, nem uma desvalorização da tecnologia. Em vez disso, oferece uma via ecológica e sustentável para o futuro” Ricardo H. Jones

domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2009

Becoming Peers

Ando a ler este livro, e estou sem palavras.. recomendo a quem tem meninas como eu....

"Becoming Peers - Mentoring Girls into Womanhood"
by DeAnna L'am

This book provides practical guidelines for mentoring a girl into womanhood. It offers creative ceremonies and activities designed to honor a girl’s transition and call her to new levels of maturity. At the same time, it presents the adult woman/mentor with powerful tools for enhancing her inner and outer life. The book is motivated by the belief that for a girl to enter womanhood in a meaningful way, it is essential that her mother and other special women in her life cultivate a new way of relating that will gradually help her to become their peer.
Valuable for mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, aunts, any woman in fact who wishes to nurture a girl through her coming of age while also empowering herself!

"Becoming Peers - Mentoring Girls into Womanhood is loaded with inspirational and eminently practical ways to strengthen and heal mothers, daughters, and any woman with a special girl in her life.”
Christiane Northrup, M.D. (author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom; Mother-Daughter Wisdom; and The Wisdom of Menopause)

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Que giro!!! Vou querer ler! Sabes que há um livro cujo autor agora não me lembro que é para quem tem rapazes? Chama-se "Criando Caim". Já li e gostei muito! Beijos, clo

moya disse...

bem, mais um para me emprestares ;)
já despachámos o gonzález!